Urgent Action update: Chinese rights defender faces 15 years in jail
Zhen Jianghua reportedly stood trial over the charge of “inciting subversion of state power” on 10 August. With no access to family and lawyers of his choice, the human rights defender is at risk of torture and unfair trial.
Please write immediately in English, Chinese or your own language:
◼ Immediately and unconditionally release Zhen Jianghua and drop all charges as he is a prisoner of conscience who has been detained solely for exercising his right to freedom of expression
◼ Ensure that, pending his release, Zhen Jianghua is protected from torture and other ill-treatment while in detention and that he is allowed, without delay, effective access to lawyers of his choice.
Huang Weiyu
Zhuhai City People’s Procuratorate
166 Xianghua Lu
Xiangzhou Qu
Zhihai Shi
Guangdongsheng 519000
Salutation: Dear Director
Li Chunsheng
Guangdong Provincial Department of Public Security
97 Huanghua Lu
Guangzhou Shi
Guangdong Sheng 510050
People’s Republic of China
Salutation: Dear Director
And copies to:
Minister of Public Security
Zhao Kezhi Buzhang
Ministry of Public Security
14 Dongchangan Jie
Dongchengqu Beijing Shi 100741
People’s Republic of China
Tel: +86 10 66262114 (Chinese Only)
Email: gabzfwz@mps.gov.cn
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. HIS EXCELLENCY MR LIU XIAOMING, Embassy of the People's Republic of China, 49-51 Portland Place W1B 1JL, 020 7299 4049, press_uk@mfa.gov.cn
Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date. This is the third update of UA 235/17. Further information: www.amnesty.org/asa17/8157/2018
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