Urgent Action: Venezuela councilman dies in custody of intelligence service
Fernando Albán, councilman for Primero Justicia, an opposition party in Venezuela, died while in custody of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN) on Monday 8 October. His bodyfell from the tenth floor of the headquarters of the SEBIN in Caracas, although the circumstances
around his death are unclear.
Please write immediately in Spanish or your own language to the Venezuelan authorities:
◼ Demanding a prompt, thorough and independent investigation into the facts and cause of the death of Fernando Albán,
including the possibility of torture;
◼ Demanding that the investigation complies with human rights law and standards, including full access to information for
Alban’s family.
◼ Demanding them to protect the right to life and personal integrity of anybody held in state custody and the right to a fair
Attorney General
Mr Tarek William Saab
Fiscalía General de la República
Avenida México, Manduca a Pelelojo
La Candelaria
Caracas, Venezuela
Twitter: @TarekWiliamSaab
Email: ministeriopublico@mp.gob.ve
Salutation: Dear Attorney General
Mr Alfredo Ruiz
Defensoría del Pueblo
Av. Urdaneta, Centro Financiero Latino,
Piso 26, Los Anaucos, Caracas
Twitter: @Defensoria_Vzla
Fax: +58 (0212) 5077025
Salutation: Dear Ombudsman
And copies to:
Amnesty International Venezuela
AIVEN, Torre Phelps, Piso 17
Plaza Venezuela
Caracas, Venezuela
Twitter: @amnistia
Email: info@aiven.org
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. HER EXCELLENCY ROCÍO MANEIRO, Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela, 1 Cromwell Road SW7 2HW, 020 7584 4206 or 020 7581 2776, Fax 020 7589 8887, despacho.londres@mppre.gob.ve, embavenezuk@venezlon.co.uk,
info@venezlon.co.uk, http://reinounido.embajada.gob.ve/
Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date.