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Urgent Action update: Jordan border closure worsens refugees' condition

Since Jordan sealed its border with Syria, around 80,000 refugees have been stranded in a desert area known as the ‘berm’, subjected to sand storms and searing heat. They are still not receiving essential and life-saving assistance.

2nd update on UA 280/15 issued 17/08/2016

Urgent Action update: Librarian's case sent back for investigation in Russia

The Moscow Prosecutor General’s office refused to sign the indictment against Natalya Sharina and the case was sent back for further investigation. It is expected that Natalya Sharina’s house arrest will be extended on 26 August. She is a prisoner of conscience.

2nd update on UA 261/15 issued on 25/08/2016

UA update: 81-year-old journalist detained without charge in Bangladesh

Shafik Rehman, an 81-year-old Bangladeshi journalist arrested on 16 April, is still detained without charge in Dhaka Central Jail more than four months after his arrest.

2nd update on UA 120/16 issued 24/08/2016

Urgent Action: Asylum seekers, refugees at risk of deportation in Djibouti

For the past month, Djiboutian authorities have been rounding up and detaining hundreds of Ethiopian asylum seekers and refugees with the aim of deporting them back to Ethiopia.

UA 195/16 issued 24/08/2016

Urgent Action good news: 10-year-old Syrian girl in need of surgery evacuated

Ghina Ahmad Wadi, a 10-year-old girl seriously wounded by sniper fire at a Syrian government checkpoint on 2 August, was successfully evacuated to Damascus to receive the urgent surgery she needed.

1st update on UA 190/16 issued 23/08/2016

Urgent Action good news: Texas court blocks execution

On 19 August, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals granted a stay of execution to Jeffery Wood, who was scheduled to be executed in Texas on 24 August.

1st update on UA 160/16 issued 22/08/2016

Urgent Action: 12 Individuals face lengthy prison sentence in Thailand

12 individuals from northern Thailand face trial in a military court and up to 22 years imprisonment each for alleged involvement in the mailing of thousands of letters critical of Thailand’s draft constitution.

UA 194/16 issued on 19/08/2016

Urgent Action: Algerian sentenced to 5 years in prison for facebook posts

Algerian activist Slimane Bouhafs started to serve a five-year prison term after a court in Sétif, eastern Algeria, charged him with insulting Islam and Prophet Muhammad for posts he made on Facebook.

UA 193/16 issued 19/08/2016

Urgent Action update: Prisoner of conscience in need of medical care in Iran

Iranian postgraduate student Hamid Babaei is being denied access to the specialized medical care he needs, including medication.

1st update on UA 36/14 issued 19/08/2016

Urgent Action update: Ngo staff and families at risk of asset freezing in Egypt

On 17 September an Egyptian court will rule on whether to freeze the assets of leading human rights defenders and members of their families as part of the “foreign funding case”.

4th update on UA 81/16 issued 19/08/2016