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Urgent Action Update: Three death sentnces upheld in Bahrain

The Bahraini High Court of Appeal has upheld the death sentences imposed against three Bahraini men and life sentences against seven others after an unfair trial in relation to the killing of three policemen in March 2014.

1st update on UA 47/15 issued 07/06/2016

Urgent Action: Syrian refugees at risk of return from Greek island to Turkey

Two Syrian refugees are the first at risk of being forcibly returned to Turkey under the illegal EU-Turkey deal, after their asylum applications were dismissed by the Greek authorities.

UA 135/16 issued 06/06/2016

Urgent Action update: Angolan human rights defender freed, lawyer risks jail

The Angolan Supreme Tribunal acquitted human rights defender José Marcos Mavungo on 19 May and he was released the following day.

6th update on UA 78/15 issued 06/06/2016

Urgent Action: Belarus issues third death sentence in 2016

Siarhei Vostrykau was sentenced to death by the Homel Regional Court on 19 May. He is the third person to be sentenced to death in Belarus this year.

UA 134/16 issued 03/06/2016

Urgent Action good news: Four Libyan men acquitted and released

Four Libyan men, three of them with dual nationality, were acquitted on 30 May by the Federal Supreme Court in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of providing support to “terrorist” groups.

4th update on UA 236/14 issued 03/06/2016

Urgent Action update: Malek Adly's detention renewed for 15 days in Egypt

A Cairo court renewed on 1 June the detention of prisoner of conscience Malek Adly for 15 days. The human rights lawyer is in poor health, has been ill-treated and is held in solitary confinement. He is one of hundreds arrested in the wake of protests in Cairo on 25 April.

2nd update on UA09816

Urgent Action: Eight facebook users charged, awaiting trial in Thailand

Eight persons linked to a satirical Facebook community page were charged with sedition and computer crimes on 28 April. They are scheduled to appear in a military court on 3 July. Two of them are still detained on the additional charge of offending the monarchy.


Urgent Action: Malaysian blogger at risk of prison for facebook post

Malaysian blogger Vivian Lee has been found guilty of sedition and sentenced to six months’ imprisonment for a Facebook post she made in July 2013. She will be imprisoned if her final appeal is rejected.

UA 133/16 issued on 02/06/2016

Urgent Action update: Al-Hamid sentenced to 9 years in prison in Saudi Arabia

Human rights defender Issa al-Hamid has been sentenced to nine years in prison after being convicted by the Specialised Criminal Court in Riyadh for his peaceful human rights activism. If detained he will be a prisoner of conscience.

1st update on UA 086/16 issued on 02/06/2016

Urgent Action update: One sibling acquitted, three are still missing, in UAE

On 30 May the Federal Supreme Court in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) acquitted Moza ‘Abdouli of insulting the UAE, its leaders, and its institutions in tweets she posted in March 2013. Her three siblings remain detained in an undisclosed location.

1st update on UA 125/16 issued on 02/06/2016