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Opposition leader at risk of torture

A Cuban opposition leader has been held in detention for over 40 days without being informed of the charges against him.

First update on UA: 134/19

First Update: Housing rights researcher in detention after enforced disappearance

A missing Egyptian housing rights researcher appeared in a court in Cairo are 167 days enforced disappearance.

First update on UA: 104/19

First update: Rights defender facing trumped-up charges

A Crimean activist's military trial has begun in Russia, in violation of international law and his right to a fair trial.

First update on UA: 150/19

Second update: Young men appealing deplorable sentence

Three young men were convicted for their peaceful expression following allegations of torture and other ill-treatment.

Second update on UA: 48/19

Women activists face prison sentences

11 Saudi women activists on trial risk prison sentences for their activism.

Second update on UA: 105/18

Outcome: University lecturer released

Ethiopian university teacher was released after three months imprisonment for writing a book he claims no involvement in.

Outcome UA: 123/19

Human rights organisation threatened

Members of dhColombia are being watched at work and at home. They have asked for protection, but have not received it.

First UA: 142/19

Man at risk of imminent execution

Belarusian man at risk of execution, following a trial which human rights defenders say violated his right to fair trial.

First UA: 168/19

Pakistan: Disappeared human rights defender at risk of torture

A Pakistani human rights defender who has worked with Amnesty International is feared to have been forcibly disappeared.

First UA: 159/19

Palestinian NGO worker in administrative detention

A Palestinian NGO worker and activist has been issued a 4-month administrative detention order by Israeli military.

First UA: 161/19