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Urgent Action Outcome: Lecturer Granted Presidential Amnesty

Saiful Mahdi received a presidential amnesty on 13 October 2021.

Lecturer Granted Presidential Amnesty

Urgent Action Outcome: Arbitrarily Detained Journalist Released

On 7 December, the Huthi de facto authorities released journalist Younis Abdelsalam.

Arbitrarily Detained Journalist Released

Urgent Action Outcome: Veteran Radio Host Released From Prison

Veteran internet radio host “Giggs” Edmund Wan was released on 18 November 2022.

Veteran Radio Host Released From Prison

USA: Clemency Denied, Missouri Execution Goes Ahead

Kevin Johnson was executed in Missouri on the evening of 29 November 2022.

USA: Clemency Denied, Missouri Execution Goes Ahead

Urgent Action Outcome: Lecturer Granted Presidential Amnesty

Saiful Mahdi, who was convicted of defamation for a WhatsApp message, received a presidential amnesty.

Lecturer Granted Presidential Amnesty

Slovenia: Claims To Protester To Pay Costs Of Policing Withdrawn

Following the change of government in Slovenia, the lawsuits against theatre director Jaša Jenull were withdrawn.

First update on UA 25/22

Urgent Action Outcome: Man With Mental Disability Executed

Benjamin Cole, a man diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and brain damage, was executed on 20 October 2022 in Oklahoma.

USA: Man With Mental Disability Executed

Urgent Action Outcome: Human Rights Defender Released

Belarusian human rights defender Nasta Loika was released on 6 October after spending 30 days in arbitrary detention.

Human Rights Defender Released