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Urgent Action good news: Asia Bibi leaves Pakistan for Canada a free woman

Asia Bibi has left Pakistan and safely arrived in Canada to be reunited with her family.

1st update on UA 192/18 issued 14/05/2019

Urgent Action: Asylum seekers at risk of mass detentions

Hundreds of migrants and asylum seekers were detained on Mexico´s southern border on the highway near Metapa in Chiapas.

UA 84/19 issued 07/06/2019

Urgent Action outcome: Clampdown on freedom of expression

Puerto Rico authorities responded violently to demonstrations on 1 May 2018 by repressing protesters.

1st update on UA 87/18 issued 10/05/2019

Urgent Action: Health concerns for detained filmmaker

Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi, a prominent filmmaker, detained since 12 April, is facing charges because of social media posts.

UA 81/19 issued 06/06/2019

Urgent Action: Seven activists arrested and charged with treason

Seven activists arrested on different dates, are facing charges of treason after they attended a training.

UA 76/19 issued 31/05/2019

Urgent Action: Health of imprisoned Crimean Tatar at risk

Crimean Tatar, Edem Bekirov, has been detained in Simferopol since his detention by Russian security forces.

UA 79/19 issued 31/05/2019

Urgent Action: Pakistani Christian family at risk of deportation

A Pakistani Catholic family – ages ranging from 11 to 57 - have been arrested for overstaying their visas in Sri Lanka.

UA 80/19 issued 04/06/2019

Urgent Action: Incommunicado detainee at risk of torture

Lebanese detainee Ahmad Ali Mekkaoui has been held incommunicado since 11 April 2019.

UA 75/19 issued 31/05/2019

Urgent Action update: Prisoner of conscience ends hunger strike

Human rights defender Ahmed Mansoor ended a month-long hunger strike in mid-April.

1st update on UA 47/19 issued 29/05/2019

Urgent Action update: Verdict issued against Lebanese men

On 15 May 2019, the Federal Appeal Court in Abu Dhabi issued its verdict in the case of 11 Lebanese men.

2nd update on UA 38/19 issued 27/05/2018