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Urgent Action good news: Activist released on bail after months in detention

Shahidul Alam, photographer and outspoken social activist, has been freed on permanent bail after 100 days behind bars.

2nd update on UA 146/18 issued 29/11/2018

Urgent Action: Opposition youth leader still detained one year on

Opposition youth leader Christian Lumu Lukusa has been in arbitrary detention since 22 November 2017.

UA 197/18 issued 23/11/2018

Urgent Action: Workers arrested for trying to set up trade union

Three factory workers and an NGO worker have been arrested for attempting to set up a trade union in China.

UA 200/18 issued 23/11/2018

Urgent Action update: NGO worker prison visit denied for months

Lee Ming-che, first foreign NGO worker detained after China’s new Foreign NGO Management Law came into effect.

4th update on UA 71/17 issued 21/11/2018

Urgent Action: Activists’ whereabouts unknown after arrest

Activists are being held incommunicado at an unknown location in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

UA 196/18 issued 20/11/2018

Urgent Action update: Acquitted former child soldier remains jailed

Former child solider Aung Ko Htwe was acquitted but remains in prison serving two years and six months on other charges.

1st update on UA 132/18 issued 15/11/2018

Urgent Action: Health of prisoner of conscience critical

Nguyễn Văn Túc health is quickly deteriorating to the point where he is fainting on a daily basis.

UA 195/18 issued 15/11/2018

Urgent Action: Nine umbrella movement leaders to stand trial

Nine leaders of the 2014 Hong Kong pro-democracy protests are being charged with three vague and ambiguous offences.

UA 191/18 issued 07/11/2018

Urgent Action update: Prison sentence upheld for mosque noise complaint

The High Court upheld prison sentence for Meliana, convicted of blasphemy after complaining about loudspeaker at Mosque.

1st update on UA 161/18 issued 13/11/2018

Urgent Action: Lawyer detained in undisclosed location

Human rights lawyer, Hoda Abdelmoniem, arrested on 1 November 2018 after State Security forces broke into her apartment.

UA 190/18 issued 08/11/2018