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Write for Rights 2018: Atena Daemi case resources

Atena Daemi case sheet and appeal address labels

Write for Rights 2018: Pavitri Manjhi case resources

Pavitri Manjhi: case study sheet and address labels

Pavitri Manjhi appeal resources

Write for Rights 2018: Marielle Franco case resources

Case sheet and address labels for Marielle Franco

Case sheet and address labels for Marielle Franco

Urgent Action: Several indigenous organizations threatened in Colombia

The National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) reported that several threatening pamphlets were found.

UA 182/18 issued 12/10/2018

Urgent Action good news: US-Mexico asylum deal appears unlikely

Diplomatic sources have reported that negotiations to declare Mexico a “safe third country” are off the table.

1st update on UA 150/18 issued 11/10/2018

Urgent Action: Syrian refugee at imminent risk of deportation from Malaysia

Syrian refugee Hassan al-Kontar is at imminent risk of deportation to Syria, following his arrest at an airport.

UA 180/18 issued 11/10/2018

Urgent Action update: Activists cleared of charges, two awaiting trial in Niger

Three activists were released on 5 October. Two other activists are still awaiting trial in Zinder.

1st update on UA 93/18 issued 11/10/2018

Urgent Action: Venezuela councilman dies in custody of intelligence service

Fernando Albán, councilman for Primero Justicia, died while in custody of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service.

UA 181/18 issued 09/10/2018

Urgent Action: Egyptian's arbitrary detention renewed

Islam Khalil, a former victim of an enforced disappearance, has been held in pre-trial detention on trumped-up charges.

UA 176/18 issued 05/10/2018

Urgent Action: Environmental defender's home set on fire in Ecuador

Environmental defender Margoth Escobar could be at risk after her home was intentionally set on fire.

UA 179/18 issued 05/10/2018