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Urgent Action update: Egyptian prisoner in solitary confinement on hunger strike

Ahmed Amin Ghazali Amin has been on hunger strike since 9 March, in protest against his solitary confinement, which he has been held in since May 2016, when he was sentenced to death by a Military Court. An appeal hearing is still due to be set. If rejected, he could be executed at any time.

4th update on UA 091/16 issued 17/03/2017

Urgent Action good news: Palestinian journalist to be released from detention in Israel

Palestinian journalist Muhammed al-Qiq suspended his hunger strike on 10 March 2017 after he learned that the Israeli authorities were not renewing his administrative detention order. He is expected to be released on 10 April.

1st update on UA 048/17 issued on 17/03/2017

Urgent Action: Indigenous defenders denied right to defence in Argentina

On 20 March the oral trial against three members of the Chañaral Wichí Indigenous community for defending their territory will take place. These legal proceedings violate their right to defence and access to justice.

UA 058/17 issued 15/03/2017

Urgent action update: Supreme court upholds Korean activist's sentence

Kim Hye-young lost her second appeal, as the Supreme Court of South Korea upheld her two-year prison sentence. Authorities continue to refuse her outpatient treatment for mental health conditions, however her overall health situation has improved and she is due to be released in August 2017.

3rd update on UA 002/16 issued 13/03/2017

Urgent action update: Brothers to be executed this Friday in Malaysia

Brothers Suthar Batumalai and B. Rames Batumalai whose execution was originally scheduled for 24 February 2017, have been informed that their execution has now been set for 17 March.

1st update on UA 053/17 issued on 13/03/2017

Urgent Action good news: Missing journalist reappears in Rwanda

John Ndabarasa, a journalist who had been missing since 7 August 2016, reappeared in Kigali, Rwanda and spoke to local media on 6 March.

1st update on UA 049/17 issued 13/03/2017

Urgent Action update: Minority religious leaders convicted of blasphemy in Indonesia

Three followers of the ‘Millah Abraham’ religious belief have been convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to between three and five years’ imprisonment. They have all been convicted for peacefully manifesting their right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and must be immediately and unconditionally released.

1st update on UA 131/16 issued 10/03/2017

Urgent Action: Convicted of screening human rights documentary in Malaysia

Malaysian human rights defender Lena Hendry has been convicted by the Kuala Lumpur Magistrate Court for the private screening of the documentary “No Fire Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka”. She faces up to three years imprisonment or a fine of up to RM30, 000 ($7,200 USD).

UA 057/17 issued 09/03/2017

Urgent Action good news: Detainee no longer held incommunicado in Venezuela

Retired general Raúl Isaías Baduel, who has been detained in the Venezuelan military prison Ramo Verde since 12 January, has finally been allowed to meet with his lawyer and his family after being held incommunicado for a period of time, and has been brought before a relevant court of law.

1st update on UA 33/17 issued 06/03/2017

Urgent Action: Over 300 displaced due to paramilitary activity incursion in Colombia

An incursion by paramilitaries and subsequent armed confrontation between them and guerrilla groups forced a mass displacement of families and the potential confinement of surrounding communities in Peña Azul, Chocó department, in north-western Colombia. The increase in paramilitary activity in the area is placing residents of rural areas of Chocó department at risk.

UA 056/17 issued on 06/03/2017