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Urgent Action: Imprisoned woman in urgent need of surgery in Turkey

Sibel Çapraz is imprisoned and the authorities are denying her a vital and an urgent operation and adequate medical treatment. She was shot in November 2015 in Yüksekova, south-east Turkey, during clashes between security forces and the PKK. She was detained in March 2016 while in hospital.

UA 021/17 issued on 23/01/2017

Urgent Action: Activist detained for running online library in South Korea

Lee Jin-young has been arrested for the online distribution of materials that are deemed, by South Korean authorities, to ‘benefit’ North Korea. Detained since 5 January 2017, the prosecutor has until 4 February to either release or formally charge him.

UA 020/17 issued on 24/01/2017

Urgent Action update: Six men at imminent risk of execution in Egypt

Six men submitted their final appeal to the Supreme Military Court in December 2016. The men were sentenced to death by a military court in May 2016, in a case marred by enforced disappearances and torture. If the court rejects their appeal, the men could be executed at any time.

3rd update on UA 91/16 issued on 18/01/2017

Urgent Action update: Six men at imminent risk of execution in Egypt

Six men submitted their final appeal to the Supreme Military Court in December 2016. The men were sentenced to death by a military court in May 2016, in a case marred by enforced disappearances and torture. If the court rejects their appeal, the men could be executed at any time.

3rd update on UA 91/16 issued on 18/01/2017

Urgent Action update: Tibetan education advocate indicted in China

Prisoner of conscience, Tashi Wangchuk, has now been indicted by the prosecutor after police had arrested him on suspicion of “inciting separatism” in March 2016.

1st update on UA 79/16 issued on 18/01/2017

Urgent Action: Sudanese activists held incommunicado in Saudi Arabia

Two Sudanese nationals have been detained incommunicado since their arrest on 21 December 2016 in Saudi Arabia after they supported recent civil disobedience in Sudan on social media. They are prisoners of conscience.

UA 009/17 issued on 17/01/2017

Urgent Action: Two men at imminent risk of execution in Bahrain

Mohamed Ramadhan ‘Issa ‘Ali Hussain and Hussain ‘Ali Moosa Hussain Mohamed, are at imminent risk of execution following the execution of three men on 15 January. Their death sentences were upheld by the Court of Cassation on 16 November 2015. Their trial was grossly unfair and relied on “confessions” extracted under torture.

3rd update on UA 001/15 issued on 17/01/2017

Urgent Action: Malaysian national faces imminent execution in Singapore

Prabagaran Srivijayan, a Malaysian national, was convicted and sentenced to the mandatory death penalty on 22 July 2012 in Singapore. The execution could take place as early as next week.

UA 012/17 issued on 13/01/2017

Urgent Action: Hindu fisherman kept in unlawful detention in Bangladesh

Hindu fisherman Rasraj Das has been detained in Bangladesh since October 2016. He was arrested for allegedly posting an “offensive” image on Facebook and charged with “hurting religious sentiment”. He could face up to 14 years in prison if convicted. Even though police have recently stated that he was not responsible for posting the image, the charge has not been dropped and he was denied bail on 3 January. His next bail hearing is scheduled for 16 January.

UA 007/17 issued on 12/01/2017

Urgent Action: LGBTI activist held in pre-trial detention in Turkey

Fashion designer and LGBTI activist Barbaros Şansal is being held in pre-trial detention, accused of ‘inciting the public to hatred or hostility’ for a video message and tweet he shared on social media on New Year’s Eve.

UA 002/17 issued 06/01/2017