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Urgent Action update: Lawmakers administrative detention renewed again in Israel/OPT

Israel renews, for the second time, the administrative detention, without charge or trial, of Palestinian Khalida Jarrar.

3rd update on UA 187/17 issued 11/07/2018

Urgent Action Update: Detained religious teacher faces death penalty in Sudan

A religious teacher who has a visual disability is at risk of facing the death penalty or life imprisonment in Sudan

2nd Update on UA 70/18 issued 11/07/2018

Urgent Action good news: Liu Xia free, on her way to Berlin from China

Liu Xia was finally allowed to leave China for Germany on 10 July 2018, after almost eight years of illegal house arrest.

2nd update on UA 270/17 issued 10/07/2018

Urgent Action: Son of murder victim opposes execution in USA

Christopher Young is due to be executed in Texas on 17 July. The son of the murder victim supports clemency.

UA 130/18 issued 09/07/2018

Urgent Action update: Imprisoned journalist goes on hunger strike in Ukraine

Stanislav Aseev, a Ukrainian freelance journalist, has decalared hunger strike.

3rd update on UA 160/17 issued 06/07/2018

Urgent Action: Seven people killed in Cauca, Colombia

Seven bodies, were found piled on a road of the municipality of Argelia, in the southwest region of Cauca, Colombia.

UA 128/18 issued 06/07/2018

Urgent Action update: Nevada reschedules first execution since 2006

The State of Nevada is set to carry out its first execution in 12 years.

2nd update on UA 250/17 issued 06/07/2018

Urgent Action: Health concerns for detained Sudanese activist

The family of Husham Ali Mohamed Ali has received disturbing information that he has been injured while in detention.

UA 127/18 issued 06/07/2018

Urgent Action: Lawyer jailed in Iran for defending women's rights

Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh has been held in Tehran’s Evin prison since her arrest on 13 June.

UA 126/18 issued 05/07/2018

Urgent Action Update: Arbitrarily detained prisoner on hunger strike in Egypt

Ola al-Qaradawi started a hunger strike, demanding the end of her arbitrary detention and abusive prison conditions

2nd Update on UA 206/17 issued 05/07/2018