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Amnesty International UK
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Urgent Action: 33 people reported disappeared in Mexico since February 2018

From February to May 2018 at least 33 people were reported disappeared in Nuevo Laredo, northern Mexico.

UA 120/18 issued 20/06/2018

Response to Scottish Government review of Gender Recognition Act

Refugee & Migrants: Parliamentary Submissions

Refugees in detention

The Use of Immigration Detention in the UK

Womens Rights - Submissions

Refugees in detention

The Use of Immigration Detention in the UK

Urgent Action: Blogger convicted with 10 year prison sentence in Algeria

Blogger Merzoug Touati convicted with 10 year prison sentence in Algeria. He is a prisoner of conscience.

UA 117/18 issued 18/06/2018

Urgent Action: Qatari national arbitrarily held incommunicado in Saudi Arabia

Qatari national Nawaf al-Rasheed was arbitrarily arrested in Kuwait and has been detained incommunicado in Saudi Arabia.

UA 114/18 issued 18/06/2018

Action for Change 2018 Programme

Urgent Action: Call on Ohio governor to stop execution

Robert Van Hook is due to be executed in Ohio on 18 July. He has been on death row for 33 years for a murder.

UA 116/18 issued 15/06/2018

Urgent Action update: Iranian Kurdish woman denied medical care

Iranian Kurdish woman Zeynab Jalalian is being subjected to torture by the Iranian authorities.

3rd update on UA 151/14 issued 15/06/2018

Urgent Action: Three youths imprisoned after unfair trial in Angola

Three high school students were sentenced to seven months in prison after an unfair trial.

UA 115/18 issued 14/06/2018