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Urgent Action: Hundreds left homeless by forced evictions in Uganda

Ugandan soldiers have been forcibly evicting communities in the Apaa area. So far, more than 250 homes have been burnt.

UA 96/18 issued 15/05/2018

Urgent Action: Three land defenders killed in Guatemala, others at risk

Three land and territory defenders from different communities in Guatemala were killed in less than a week.

UA 97/18 issued 14/05/2018

Urgent Action update: Defender's detention extended again in Russia

The pre-trial detention of Oyub Titiev has been extended for another month, until 9 June.

2nd update on UA 5/18 issued 14/05/2018

Urgent Action: Five activists arrested for organising protests in Niger

Five activists were arrested between 15 and 25 April in Niger.

UA 93/18 issued 14/05/2018

Urgent Action: Intellectual disability claim as execution set in Texas, USA

Courts have rejected the claim of intellectual disability and the execution has been set for 2st 1 June.

UA 100/18 issued 16/05/2018

Urgent Action: Violent disruption threatens Equality Festival in Ukraine

The Ukrainian Police advised the organizers of the Equality Festival to move it away from the city centre

UA 099/18 issued 16/05/2018

Petition calling on the Iranian authorities to release Esmail Abdi immediately!

Esmail Abdi faces 6 years in one of Iran’s most brutal prisons just for defending workers’ rights. He’s now on hunger str

Petition calling on the Iranian authorities to release Esmail Abdi immediately!

Pecyn adnoddau Camau Cyntaf (First Steps resource Welsh)

This resource in Welsh is designed to support teachers to introduce human rights to children aged 3-5.

Urgent Action: Forcibly married, raped girl sentenced to death in Sudan

Nineteen year old, Noura Hussein Hamad Daoud, was sentenced to death on 10 May for killing her husband in self-defence.

UA 95/18 issued 15/05/2018

Urgent Action update: Guantánamo transfer policy under wraps

The US Secretary of Defense has sent the White House his policy recommendations on detainee transfers to Guantánamo.

1st update on UA 42/18 issued 11/05/2018