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Urgent Action: Two singer-songwriter activists criminally detained in China

Activists Xu Lin and Liu Sifang have been criminally detained on suspicion of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”.

UA 245/17 issued 25/10/2017

Urgent Action: Mental competence in doubt as execution set in USA

Jack Greene, aged 62, is scheduled to be executed in Arkansas on 9 November.

UA 202/17 issued 23/10/2017

Urgent Action update: Russian activist found guilty of 'homosexual propoganda'

On 18 October, a magistrate in Samara, Russia found Evdokia Romanova guilty of spreading ‘homosexual propaganda’.

2nd update on UA 209/17 issued 23/10/2017

New - Student Fundraising Guide - Pub Quiz

A fundraising guide to help students run a successful pub quiz

Pub Quiz Fundraising Guide

New - Student Fundraising Guide - How to plan an event

New - Student Fundraising Guide - Secret Policeman's Ball

Urgent Action: Human rights lawyer, activists arbitrarily detained in Tanzania

Thirteen health and human rights activists, including two South Africans and one Ugandan, have been detained.

UA 244/17 issued 23/10/2017

Urgent Action update: Drop charges against human rights defenders in Israel/OPT

Farid al-Atrash and Issa Amro are facing their next two court hearings on 29 October and 5 November.

1st update on UA 278/16 issued 23/10/2017

Urgent Action: Iranian prisoner of conscience critically ill

Mohammad Nazari, who has been unjustly languishing in prison for over two decades, is critically ill.

UA 242/17 issued 23/10/2017