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Urgent Action: Chechen man's whereabouts in Russia unknown

Imran Salamov is a 39-year old Chechen man who was forcibly returned from Belarus to Russia on 5 September.

UA 208/17 issued 08/09/2017

Urgent Action: Religious minority leader arrested in Algeria

Mohamed Fali, the president of the Ahmadiyya religious community, was arrested in Algeria on 28 August.

UA 205/17 issued 08/09/2017

Urgent Action: Couple in Egypt held in solitary confinement for 66 days

Ola al-Qaradawy and her husband Hossam Khalaf have been detained in solitary confinement since 3 July.

UA 206/17 issued 08/09/2017

Urgent Action update: Taiwan NGO worker to be tried for subversion in China

Lee Ming-cheh will be tried for subversion by a court in Yueyang city, Hunan province.

2nd update on UA 71/17 issued 08/09/2017

Urgent Action: Call on Ohio governor to rethink clemency

Gary Otte is scheduled to be executed in Ohio on 13 September. He was sentenced to death in October 1992 for two murders.

UA 207/17 issued 07/09/2017

Urgent Action good news: Palestinian circus performer released

Palestinian circus performer and teacher Mohamed Faisal Abu Sakha was released on 30 August.

7th update on UA 12/16 issued 07/09/2017

Urgent Action update: Saudi Arabian prisoner of conscience on trial

Saudi Arabian activist Issa al-Nukheifi was brought to trial before the counter-terror court on 21 August.

4th update on UA 35/15 issued 07/09/2017

Urgent Action good news: Security measures for defender implemented in Mexico

Authorities have implemented some security measures for Mario Luna, human rights defender.

1st update on UA 169/17 issued 06/09/2017

Book and Activities: Kick

Explores a world where it takes a footballer 100 seconds to earn a monthly wage of a child labourer who make his boots.

Education Resources Catalogue

This catalogue lists all our key teaching materials including important themes of the day, and offer creative approaches

Education Resources Catalogue