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Urgent Action good news: Governor of Missouri stays execution and orders inquiry in USA

On 22 August, the governor of Missouri issued a stay of execution for Marcellus Williams who was due to be put to death later that day. The governor will appoint a Board of Inquiry to review the case and make a recommendation on clemency.

1st update on UA 183/17 issued 23/08/2017

Urgent Action good news: Abortion decriminalized in Chile

Chile’s Constitutional Tribunal has ruled in favour of decriminalizing abortion under three specific circumstances. This is an important step toward ensuring the protection of women and girls’ human rights across the country.

2nd update on UA 161/17 issued 22/08/2017

Urgent Action good news: Protester released after serving full sentence in Crimea

Crimean Tatar protestor Server Karametov was released from police custody in Simferopol, Crimea on 19 August after serving his full 10-day sentence. He was arrested on 8 August while engaging in a peaceful protest outside Crimea’s Supreme Court.

1st update on UA 193/17 issued 22/08/2017

Urgent Action good news: Palestinian university professor released by Israeli authorities

University professor Ahmad Qatamesh was released from administrative detention by the Israeli authorities on 13 August. His three-month detention order was not renewed after it expired. He is now back home in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank with his family. Ahmad Qatamesh was a prisoner of conscience.

1st update on UA 140/17 issued 22/08/2017

BRAVE Campaign Training Toolkit

This training pack has been created by Amnesty International UK on the BRAVE global campaign which campaigns to strengthen the recognition and protection of human rights defenders.

BRAVE Campaign Training Toolkit

Local Group Mailing: Fundraising and the I Welcome Campaign

September marks the start of an international period of fundraising on the I Welcome campaign. The International Secretariat is calling on Amnesty International sections around the world to work with their members and supporters to organise fundraising events themed around the I Welcome campaign.

Local Group Mailing: Fundraising and the I Welcome Campaign

Urgent Action: Worrying crackdown on Kenyan defenders

Kenya’s NGO Coordination Board threatened to arrest George Kegoro, Executive Director of Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC), Gladwell Otieno, Executive Director of African Center for Open Governance (AfriCOG) and Maina Kiai, former UN Special Rapporteur and a member of AfriCOG’s Board of Directors on 16 August.

UA 198/17 issued 22/08/2017

Urgent Action: Missing human rights defender at risk of torture in Vietnam

Former prisoner of conscience, Nguyễn Bắc Truyển was last seen on 30 July 2017 after dropping off his wife outside her place of work in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.

UA 197/17 issued 22/08/2017

Urgent Action good news: Journalists out of immediate danger in Paraguay

Menchi Barriocanal and Oscar Acosta, Paraguayan journalists and married couple who were threatened with imprisonment by President Horacio Cartes, have stopped received threats and seem to be out of immediate danger of being arbitrarily detained.

1st update on UA 154/17 issued 21/08/2017

Urgent Action: Journalist in Poland facing charges for exposé book

Investigative journalist Tomasz Piątek is facing criminal charges for a book he published in June, alleging a link betwee

UA 196/17 issued 18/08/2017