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Urgent Action: Sudanese activists held incommunicado in Saudi Arabia

Two Sudanese nationals have been detained incommunicado since their arrest on 21 December 2016 in Saudi Arabia after they supported recent civil disobedience in Sudan on social media. They are prisoners of conscience.

UA 009/17 issued on 17/01/2017

Urgent Action: Two men at imminent risk of execution in Bahrain

Mohamed Ramadhan ‘Issa ‘Ali Hussain and Hussain ‘Ali Moosa Hussain Mohamed, are at imminent risk of execution following the execution of three men on 15 January. Their death sentences were upheld by the Court of Cassation on 16 November 2015. Their trial was grossly unfair and relied on “confessions” extracted under torture.

3rd update on UA 001/15 issued on 17/01/2017

Urgent Action good news: Four youth activists released on bail in Angola

Four Angolan youth activists who are part of the Benguela Revolutionary Movement (Movimento Revolucionário de Benguela) are out on bail. The youth activists have not been charged.

1st update on UA 188/16 issued 17/01/2017

Urgent Action update: Graffiti artist still in maximum-security prison in Cuba

Cuban graffiti artist Danilo Maldonado Machado (‘El Sexto’) continues to be detained in a maximum-security prison, a month and a half after his arrest.

3rd update on UA 273/16 issued 16/01/2017

Urgent Action update: 26 people killed after prison riots spread in Brazil

Twenty-six men were killed and nine others severely injured in Alcaçuz prison in Rio Grande do Norte state, following the spread of riots and conflicts between criminal gangs in northern Brazilian prisons.

1st update on UA 6/17 issued 16/01/2017

Urgent Action: Congress to vote on regressive torture bill in Mexico

The Mexican lower house of Congress has finalized its version of a General Law on Torture. This version of the bill has key amendments that, if passed, would increase impunity for torture and undermine access to justice in relation to torture complaints.

UA 11/17 issued 16/01/2017

End Action: Ildar Dadin moved to new prison in Russian Federation

Following revelations that he had been tortured in Segezha prison colony, prisoner of conscience Ildar Dadin was moved to a new prison colony.

1st update on UA 247/16 issued 16/01/2017

Urgent Action update: Lucha activist in incommunicado detention in DRC

Youth activist Musasa Tshibanda remains in incommunicado detention after the release of his fellow activist Gloria Senga on 27 December.

1st update on UA 287/16 issued 16/01/2017

Urgent Action: Kachin pastors missing after assisting journalists in Myanmar

Two ethnic Kachin pastors, who had been helping journalists report on military abuses in northern Shan State, have been missing since 24 December 2016.

UA 13/17 issued 16/01/2017

Urgent Action: Violent repression of Mapuche peoples in Argentina

On 10 and 11 January security forces violently repressed members of the Mapuche community of Cushamen in Chubut, Argentina.

UA 8/17 issued 13/01/2017