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UA: Two Lucha youth activists missing in The Democratic Republic of Congo

Youth activists Gloria Senga and Musasa Tshibanda went missing on the evening of 16 December after they met with another youth activist in Kinshasa.

UA 287/16 issued 19/12/2016

Urgent Action update: Defender's administrative detention extended in Israel/OPT

On 7 December the Israeli authorities renewed the administrative detention of Palestinian human rights defender Hasan Ghassan Ghaleb Safadi for an additional six months.

1st update on UA 154/16 issued 19/12/2016

Urgent Action update: Demand relase of Cuban graffiti artist in Cuba

Cuban graffiti artist Danilo Maldonado Machado (‘El Sexto’) has been transferred to another new detention centre where he continues to be detained without charge since his arrest on 26 November.

2nd update on UA 273/16 issued 16/12/2016

Urgent Action update: Released on medical grounds but still on trial in Bahrain

Bahraini women’s rights activist Ghada Jamsheer was released from prison on 12 December on medical grounds. The court has ordered to serve the remaining four months of her combined 10 month sentence as a community service.

2nd update on UA 280/14 issued 16/12/2016

Urgent Action update: Youth arrested at 15 re-sentenced to death in Iran

Salar Shadizadi was sentenced to death again in November after a retrial in Iran. He has been on death row since 2007 for a crime committed when he was 15.

5th update on UA 165/15 issued 16/12/2016

Urgent Action: Journalist at risk of further jail time in Uzbekistan

Journalist Muhammad Bekzhanov, aged 62, who is scheduled to be released in January after spending more than 17 years in prison on politically motivated charges, has been put in a punishment cell.

UA 286/16 issued 16/12/2016

Urgent Action update: Human rights defender's assets frozen in Egypt

An Egyptian court has summarily frozen the assets of human rights defender Azza Soliman and may freeze the assets of three others.

7th update on UA 81/16 issued 16/12/2016

UA update: Urge the president to decriminalize abortion in Dominican Republic

The Dominican Congress adopted a comprehensive reform of the Criminal Code which maintains the criminalization of abortion except where the pregnancy poses a risk to the life of a pregnant woman or girl.

3rd update on UA 151/16 issued 15/12/2016

Urgent Action: Disclose whereabouts of UK-Bangladeshi man

The fate and whereabouts of UK-Bangladeshi national Yasin Talukder remain unknown five months after his enforced disappearance.

UA 285/16 issued 15/12/2016

Urgent Action: NGO founder on hunger strike after conviction in Tunisia

Former prison officer and NGO founder Walid Zarrouk is on hunger strike in protest against his 24 November prison sentences for "insulting public officials".

UA 283/16 issued 15/12/2016