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Urgent Action update: Stop execution of man with mental disability in Pakistan

Imdad Ali, a death row prisoner with a mental disability, is at imminent risk of execution. Pakistan’s Supreme Court rejected on 20 October his latest appeal to halt the execution on the ground that he has paranoid schizophrenia.

1st update on UA 222/16 issued 21/10/2016

Urgent Action reissue: Fears for safety of murder victim's family in Venezuela

Luis Urbano, son of human rights defender José Luis Urbano, was murdered by police officers in the state of Anzoátegui, Venezuela, on 10 October. The safety of his family is at risk. This UA has been reissued as the details of the Venezuelan Ambassador to the UK were incorrect in the previous UA.

UA 237/16 reissued on 25/10/2016

Youth Fundraising Update: November 2016

A fundraising update for November 2016. Contains info. on a recent successful fundraising event and ideas for AMNESTEA/Write for Rights crossover events

Urgent Action update: Jailed Kurdish woman at risk of going blind in Iran

Iranian Kurdish woman Zeynab Jalalian, who is serving a life sentence imposed after a grossly unfair trial, is at risk of losing her eyesight in prison.

1st update on UA 151/14 issued 19/10/2016

Urgent Action update: Mohammed Ali Taheri's whereabouts unknown in Iran

Iranian spiritual teacher Mohammad Ali Taheri, who started a hunger strike on 28 September, has been held incommunicado since 16 October.

5th update on UA 212/14 issued 20/10/2016

Urgent Action update: 15-year-boy's trial adjourned, still detained in Egypt

The trial of 15-year-old Aser Mohamed has been adjourned to 16 November.

1st update on UA 197/16 issued 20/10/2016

Urgent Action: Two Campesino leaders shot dead in Honduras

On 18 October, José Ángel Flores and Silmer Dionisio George of the Unified Campesino Movement of the Aguán were murdered.

UA 241/16 issued 19/10/2016

Urgent Action: Death threats against Bersih organizers in Malaysia

Death threats are the latest form of harassment levelled against the Chairperson of the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih 2.0) and other organizers, activists and supporters of the Bersih 5 rally, planned for 19 November, calling for electoral reform.

UA 240/16 issued 19/10/2016

Urgent Action: Detained rights defender's family at risk in Ukraine

The family of the Crimean Tatar human rights defender Emir-Usein Kuku is facing threats and harassment as a way to intimidate him.

UA 229/16 issued 19/10/2016