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Urgent Action: Rights defenders at risk of further attacks in Russia

Human Rights Defenders have been repeatedly threatened by the Chechen authorities and targeted with increasing violence.

UA 57/16 issued 31/03/2016

Urgent Action: Sahrawi prisoners on hunger strike in Morocco

Thirteen Sahrawi prisoners, sentenced by an unfair trial, have been on hunger strike since the beginning of March 2016.

UA 71/16 issued 31/03/2016

Urgent Action: 200 people face being made homeless in Mongolia

200 people face being made homeless because of stalled redevelopment plans have made their homes uninhabitable.

UA 77/16 issued 31/03/2016

Urgent Action good news: Syrian refugee released from Turkey airport detention

A Syrian refugee who had been arbitrarily detained in Istanbul’s airport since November 2015 was released on 29 March 2016.

1st update on UA 45/16 issued 30/03/2016

Urgent Action update: Verdict expected for Ibrahim Karimi in Bahrain

Verdict expected on 31 March 2016 for Ibrahim Karimi on trial for insulting the King on Twitter.

1st update on UA 215/15 issued 30/03/2016

Urgent Action update: Former governor arbitrarily detained in South Sudan

Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro, former governor of Western Equatoria state has held without charge since December 2015.

1st update on UA 30/16 issued 30/03/2016

Urgent Action: Prisoner in need of urgent medical care in Iran

Afshin Sohrabzadeh, serving a 25-year prison term is in urgent need of specialized medical treatment outside prison.

UA 76/16 issued 30/03/2016

Urgent Action good news: China releases prominent journalist

Prominent journalist Jia Jia who went missing on 15 March 2016 while he was due to fly to Hong Kong was released on 27 March.

1st update on UA 62/16 issued 23/03/2016

Urgent Action update: Zainab al-Khawaja imprisoned with her child in Bahrain

Zainab Al-Khawaja has been arrested and taken into custody, with her 15-month-old son. She is a prisoner of conscience.

5th Update on UA 306/14 issued 29/03/2016