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Write for Rights 2015: Waleed Abu al-Khair case sheet

Write for Rights 2015: Teodora del Carmen Vásquez case sheet

Write for Rights 2015: Albert Woodfox case sheet

Write for Rights 2015: A2 map of cases

A map featuring this year's Write for Rights cases, to support your letter-writing activity.

Local Group Activity Nov 2015: Free Atena, jailed for drawing cartoon in Iran

Atena Farghadani is a 29-year-old artist is in prison for her art and peaceful activism. She was found guilty of charges including 'insulting members of parliament through paintings.

The Human Rights Act: The real story

This briefing cuts through the myths, rebuts some common criticisms, and highlights the positive impact of the HRA and the ECtHR.

Parliamentary briefing

Local Group Activity Pack October 2015: Japan, don't execute Matsumoto Kenji

Matsumoto Kenji could be hanged any day now.Yet because he was born with a mental disability, the result of mercury poisoning, he does not understand why he is on death row or what will happen to him when his execution is announced. We are asking you to write to Japan Ministry of Justice asking her to commute Matsumoto Kenji's death sentence.

Local Group Activity Pack October 2015: Save the Human Rights Act

The government announced in May that they would be consulting on the proposals to scrap the Human Rights Act and replace it with a British Bill of Rights. as well as asking our activists groups to build support among the public, we are challenging our activists to come up with the most creative way to represent the Human Rights Act.

Youth Group Activity Pack - October 2015: Human Rights Act

The Human Rights Act protects the basic rights we all have as human beings and allows us to challenge authorities if they violate them. The government wants to scrap the act and replace it with a British Bill of Rights. As well as asking you to sign a petition to Save the Human Rights Act, we are challenging youth, student and local Amnesty groups to come up with the most creative way to represent the Human Rights Act.