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Amnesty International UK
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Urgent Action outcome: Activist released on bail

Senegalese activist Guy Marius Sagna was released on bail on 3 March, three
months after he was first detained.

2nd update on UA 171/19

Urgent Action outcome: Filmmaker Released After Serving His Term

Filmmaker Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi was released from prison on 21 February 2020, after completing his prison sentence.

3rd update on UA 81/19

Local Group Fundraising Update: April 2020

A local group mailing for April with more remote fundraising ideas and another update on our matched giving appeal.

Youth Fundraising Update: April 2020

Sending Solidarity

Here are some ideas for showing support for essential workers during this difficult time.

Sending Solidarity

Home learning resources for families

Domestic Abuse Bill - letter to local papers

Azza Action Postcard

Youth Fundraising Update: April 2020

A youth fundraising update for March with remote fundraising ideas.

Youth Fundraising Update: April 2020

Banner images

Banner Images

Student Fundraising Update: April 2020

A student fundraising update with news on remote fundraising ideas.

Student Fundraising Update: April 2020