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Urgent Action Update: Over 130 people remain in detention in Nicaragua

A year and a half since the beginning of the crisis in Nicaragua, at least 130 people continue to be detained.

Third update on UA: 082/19

Urgent Action update: Young men appealing deplorable sentence

Yan Sidorov, Vladislav Mordasov and Viacheslav Shashmin have been convicted under fabricated “mass disturbances" charges.

Second update on UA: 48/19

Urgent Action: Unlawful deportation of Syrians must stop

Turkish authorities have been deporting Syrian refugees to Syria, in violation of international and domestic law.

Bab al-Salam border crossing between Syria and Turkey

Amnesty Scotland Activist Conference 2019 Agenda

Opposition leader detained

Cuban opposition remember remains held in detention without charges, following 72 hours incommunicado detention.

First UA: 134/19

Children's Network - Autumn Action


Applications are now open for Amnesty UK's Youth Advisory Group.

Youth Advisory Group - Apply Now!