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Urgent action: Human rights defenders face brutal crackdown

Cristina Palabay of Philippines-based human rights alliance Karapatan received an anonymous text message.

1st update on UA 54/19 issued 11/06/2019

Urgent Action good news: Human rights defender released

On 5 April 2019, human rights defender Zine El Abidine Erradi was released after serving a one-year sentence in Agadir.

1st update on UA 76/18 issued 17/05/2019

Urgent Action good news: Asia Bibi leaves Pakistan for Canada a free woman

Asia Bibi has left Pakistan and safely arrived in Canada to be reunited with her family.

1st update on UA 192/18 issued 14/05/2019

Urgent Action: Asylum seekers at risk of mass detentions

Hundreds of migrants and asylum seekers were detained on Mexico´s southern border on the highway near Metapa in Chiapas.

UA 84/19 issued 07/06/2019

Urgent Action outcome: Clampdown on freedom of expression

Puerto Rico authorities responded violently to demonstrations on 1 May 2018 by repressing protesters.

1st update on UA 87/18 issued 10/05/2019

Urgent Action: Health concerns for detained filmmaker

Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi, a prominent filmmaker, detained since 12 April, is facing charges because of social media posts.

UA 81/19 issued 06/06/2019

Urgent Action: Seven activists arrested and charged with treason

Seven activists arrested on different dates, are facing charges of treason after they attended a training.

UA 76/19 issued 31/05/2019

Urgent Action: Health of imprisoned Crimean Tatar at risk

Crimean Tatar, Edem Bekirov, has been detained in Simferopol since his detention by Russian security forces.

UA 79/19 issued 31/05/2019

Urgent Action: Pakistani Christian family at risk of deportation

A Pakistani Catholic family – ages ranging from 11 to 57 - have been arrested for overstaying their visas in Sri Lanka.

UA 80/19 issued 04/06/2019

Youth Fundraising Update: June 2019

A youth fundraising update with info. on sending money raised and taking part in Football Welcomes this summer.

Youth Fundraising Update: June 2019