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Urgent Action outcome: Death sentences commuted to life imprisonment

Egypt’s Supreme Military Court of Appeals formally accepted an appeal on two death sentences.

8th update on UA 91/16 issued 07/03/2019

Urgent Action update: Detained Uighur has nervous breakdown

Hankezi Zikeli detained in a “transformation-through-education” centre, believed to have suffered a nervous breakdown.

1st update on UA 46/18 issued 20/03/2019

Urgent Action outcome: Mexican congress boosts arbitrary detentions

Mexican Congress passed a Constitutional amendment that force judges to order pre-trial detention in several cases.

1st update on UA 202/28 issued 07/03/2019

Urgent Action update: Health concerns for prisoner of conscience

Huỳnh Trương Ca continues to suffer from illnesses behind bars including lung disease, stomach problem and diabetes.

1st update on UA 30/19 issued 19/03/2019

Urgent Action good news: Poet acquitted and released

Abdirahman Ibrahim Adan, a poet in Somaliland, was released on 25 February.

2nd upadte on UA 17/19 issued 07/03/2019

Urgent Action good news: Palestinian lawmaker released

On 28 February 2019, Palestinian lawmaker and prominent political figure Khalida Jarrar was released.

5th update on UA 187/17 issued 07/03/2019

Urgent Action update: Women activists on trial

11 women activists brought to trial at the Criminal Court in Riyadh after being detained without charge since May 2018.

1st update on UA 105/18 issued 18/03/2019

Urgent Action update: Held incommunicado despite release order

Islam Khalil's family believes that he is at serious risk of torture and other ill-treatment in incommunicado detention.

3rd update on UA 176/18 issued 15/03/2019

Urgent Action update: NGO worker’s detention renewed

Israeli Ofer Military Court in OPT approved the renewal of Ayman Nasser’s administrative detention for further six months

1st update on UA 171/18 issued 14/03/2019

Urgent Action update: Restrictions on released human rights lawyer

Immediately after being released from prison on 28 February 2019, human rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong was taken away.

4th update on UA 141/17 issued 15/03/2019