… published books – Bones , a poetry collection, and The Terrible , a lyrical memoir. Watch Yrsa Daley-Ward perform ‘And that’s the thing about ignorance’. ( read the poem ) Now reflect on the poem: What do you like / dislike about the
… the poem? Did anything puzzle you or feel familiar? What questions does it raise? In the poem, Sabrina shares with us that “two world wars were required for people to form a formal idea that these ideals belong to
… from the marginalised communities. And just listening to their stories of stoicism, resistance, dissonance, change and that somehow provokes poetry within me.” As a poet, you can connect with other people’s stories and use your poetry
… a short film directed by Adam Docker, based on Raymond Antrobus’ poem by the same name. The film blends Raymond’s spoken words with music and deaf actress Vilma Jackson’s powerful and thought-provoking performance in British Sign
… until you are happy with the order of your poem. You can add as many lines as you like to celebrate who you are. Words That Burn - bitesize poetry series Explore more about the power of poetry with
… phrase? What questions does it raise? Create Draw three concentric circles. Central circle: Write human rights changes that you would like to see in your local community. Middle circle: Write human rights changes that
… Join us for this Words That Burn bitesize blog series as we explore the power of poetry. We will introduce you to some incredible poets and share … in the documentary? Do you want to add anything to
… Feel the burn . Not a phrase you often want to associate with the fire escape stairs. But after intermittently having walked and run up and down them for the past 25 minutes it was some what apt. The words of
… © Raise The Bar 2016. Reproduced with the permission of Raise The Bar. Part of the Words That Burn poetry education series for secondary and further education students. See guidance on safeguarding and
… Walt Whitman, Elsa Wiezell, Grace Nichols, Sarah Crossan, Oscar Wilde, Martin Niemöller, Rachel Rooney Part of the Words That Burn poetry education series for secondary and further education students.
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