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Amnesty International UK
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Action for Individuals (760)
Jul 10 2013 12:00am
Russia: Journalist killed after appearing in 'Assassination list'
The Russian authorities must urgently investigate the killing of a jou...
Jun 30 2013 9:57am
Thank you from Beatriz
In May, thousands of you took action to help Beatriz, co-signing our P...
Jun 15 2013 3:04pm
Summary Report of Activities 2011
Download our report of activities for 2011 here.
Jun 10 2013 11:37am
North Korea – the shocking reality for those who dare to escape
Propaganda spread over walls, people who are unable to speak their min...
Jun 6 2013 5:18pm
Dr Tun Aung; jailed by the Burmese authorities for trying to help
Plots of films are often based on cases of mistaken identity.  A chara...
Jun 3 2013 2:32pm
June diary
Wednesday June 12th group monthly meeting. Join us at 7.30 p.m. at The...
May 23 2013 4:49pm
Where is Chen Guangcheng now?
I met Chen Guangcheng this week. I can’t quite believe it. It’s not so...
May 16 2013 6:13pm
Sit or stand against imminent execution in Indonesia: Act now!
Update, 17 May: We've heard that we were unsuccessful in persauding th...
May 14 2013 5:05pm
Letter writing afternoon in Manchester
Our next letter-writing session will be at the Eighth Day cafe , Ox...
May 8 2013 11:02am
Good news: women accused of 'sorcery' released
Last month, we asked for your help to release three women being held h...