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Amnesty International UK
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Mar 3 2011 4:35pm
WikiLeaks film: but who will play Bradley Manning?
Nice “lookalikey” spot in the Guardian today in their story about who ...
Mar 1 2011 12:00am
Vietnam: Clampdown on dissent sees human rights activist facing prospect of the death penalty
Vietnam’s clampdown on political dissent – inspired by growing fears o...
Feb 25 2011 12:00am
Zimbabwe: 'Shock' at treason charges after North Africa protests lecture
At least 45 people could face death penalty Amnesty International tod...
Feb 23 2011 12:00am
Indonesia: Religious minorities must not be outlawed
Amnesty urgently calls on the president of the largest Muslim country ...
Feb 11 2011 12:00am
Shaker Aamer: UK man's nine years at Guantanamo has made a 'mockery' of Justice
Amnesty has denounced the treatment of Shaker Aamer, the former UK res...
Feb 11 2011 12:00am
Sri Lanka: Government must account for disappearances of missing human rights activist
On the one year anniversary of the disappearance of Sri Lanka human ri...
Feb 6 2011 12:00am
Egypt: Google employee detained and at risk of torture
Amnesty International today warned that Wael Ghuneim, Google's head of...
Jan 24 2011 12:00am
Bradley Manning: USA accused of inhumane treatment
Amnesty International has urged the US authorities to alleviate the ha...
Jan 19 2011 12:00am
Yemen: Fears raised over imminent execution risk in 'child offender' case
Cancellation of prison visits could signal execution imminent Amnesty...
Jan 17 2011 12:00am
Scots protest at 'politically motivated' life sentence for Indian doctor
Photo opportunity: Amnesty to hand over thousands of signatures demand...