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Amnesty International UK
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Action for Individuals (760)
Oct 16 2009 11:37am
Photo campaigning at the Belfast Festival
Sadly, not able to make to the opening concert tonight of the Ulster B...
Oct 14 2009 12:00am
Northern Ireland: Chain-gang of shackled doctors highlight plight of doctor on “trumped up charges”
A “chain gang” of shackled doctors will parade today (Thursday) in Bel...
Oct 5 2009 12:00am
Russia: Three years after Politkovskaya killing - Threat levels rising
New letter to President Medvedev urges action, as attacks continueHuma...
Sep 29 2009 12:00am
Keane drummer says 'Inspired by strength' of death row prisoner
Richard Hughes, the drummer from best-selling rock band Keane has spok...
Sep 28 2009 12:00am
Amnesty calls on Northern Ireland to take freed Guantánamo prisoners
Amnesty International has called on Northern Ireland to accept detaine...
Sep 17 2009 12:00am
Mexico: Prisoner of conscience freed after three years' imprisonment on fabricated charges
Amnesty International welcomes the release of Mexican prisoner of cons...
Aug 29 2009 12:00pm
Vanished by the state
What are you doing this evening? Are you planning to see family or fri...
Aug 17 2009 12:00am
Amnesty reveals one of the festival's strongest line-ups for Wednesday comedy gig
Amnesty International today revealed it’s near-complete line-up of gre...
Aug 12 2009 10:13am
Snogging, swine flu and Insein Prison
In my day, a snog at the end of the ceilí at Loch an Iúir during Irish...
Aug 11 2009 12:00am
Amnesty campaigners in Northern Ireland: Amnesty: Aung San Suu Kyi trial a 'farce', verdict a 'sick joke'
Call for Aung San Suu Kyi’s immediate release. Today’s guilty verdic...