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Amnesty International UK
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Action for Individuals (760)
Jan 18 2007 12:00am
Sudan (Darfur): Janjawid threaten more attacks in West Darfur
Still not enough protection for civilians in Darfur Amnesty Internatio...
Jan 12 2007 12:00am
UK: Amnesty asks book trade for donations to “The Big Book Sale”
Amnesty International today asked publishers, distributors and booksel...
Jan 8 2007 12:00am
Ethiopia: Concern for three trade unionists at risk of torture in detention
Amnesty International has expressed concern over the safety of three m...
Dec 22 2006 12:00am
Iran: Amnesty condemns flogging of woman forced into prostitution, appeals against stoning of others
Amnesty International today condemned as 'cruel, inhuman and degrading...
Dec 21 2006 12:00am
Eritrea: Over 500 parents of conscripts arrested
Resorting to collective punishment, the Eritrean government has arrest...
Dec 15 2006 12:00am
UN/Sudan (Darfur): A timid response by UN Human Rights Council on Darfur Crisis
Amnesty International welcomed the resolution adopted by the UN Human ...
Dec 14 2006 12:00am
Singapore: Government is abusing the law to muzzle its critics
Amnesty International has called on the Singapore government to stop u...
Dec 14 2006 12:00am
UK: The killing of Jean Charles De Menezes - High Court misses an opportunity
Today, the High Court of England and Wales dismissed the legal challen...
Dec 13 2006 12:00am
UK: Fairford Coach Protestors ruling - case of fundamental importance
Reacting to today’s ruling by the Law Lords that police did violate th...
Dec 10 2006 12:00am
Worldwide: Protests in more than 40 countries demand an end to rape in Darfur
Demonstration in London: Rape alarms to be set off outside Downing Str...