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Afghanistan (192)
Sep 16 2013 1:25pm
Trend-setting feminists, Liberal Democrat activists - who knew?
In yesterday’s Independent Jane Merrick suggested that you can tell a ...
Sep 13 2013 8:59am
Amnesty groups demand support for Afghan women
At stalls in town centres, at comedy nights and at concerts, you h...
Sep 11 2013 4:01pm
Women's Rights in Afghanistan
Aug 20 2013 3:24pm
Eggs and bullets: the occupational hazards of a politician
Ed Miliband had an egg thrown at him last week. “These things happen” ...
Jul 8 2013 6:54pm
AIUK AGM and Conference: we were there!
Two members of the Minehead AI local group attended the 2013 AIUK AGM ...
Jul 5 2013 11:23am
Music with meaning – A Symphony of Support for Afghan women
Guest blog by Stephen Sacco A full orchestra comprised of Edinburgh’s...
Jun 20 2013 12:00am
Afghanistan: Talks with the Taliban must focus on human rights and justice
Human rights, including women’s rights, must be integral to any peac...
Jun 13 2013 4:12pm
Everyday sexism - don’t (just) get angry…get active
A feminist’s work is never done – especially a feminist on twitter. Ev...
Jun 12 2013 8:27pm
Afghanistan - Mark Menzies MP Supports Women's Rights in Afghanistan
Two of our members, John Wayland and Glyn Eatock,  met with Mark Menzi...
Jun 3 2013 12:00am
Afghanistan: NATO meeting this week must ensure human rights are prioritised during 'transition'
‘The inclusion of women in the peace talks must be genuine and meaning...