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Amnesty International UK
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Armed Conflict and War (95)
Jul 8 2024 6:19pm
Ukraine: major damage to children's hospital in Russian missile attacks is 'abhorrent'
In response to the latest Russian missile strikes that have killed doz...
Feb 21 2024 3:35pm
5,327 of you called on UK Foreign Secretary to help deliver justice for Ukraine
Thank you to the thousands of you who took action demanding the UK For...
Dec 19 2023 5:53pm
Sudan: fresh fears for civilians in second city Wad Madani
City has been operating as a humanitarian hub for civilians who fled f...
Dec 14 2023 3:07pm
Israel/OPT: UK ban on violent settlers is belated recognition of 'apparatus of state-backed repression'
Responding to an announcement from the Foreign Secretary that the UK w...
Dec 10 2023 10:39am
UK: MPs urged to support calls for immediate halt to UK arms sales to Israel
Private members’ bill - Arms Trade (Inquiry and Suspension) Bill - wil...
Dec 8 2023 10:29pm
Israel/OPT: US veto blocks UN ceasefire resolution that would end mass suffering in Gaza
US is isolated as the only country to veto call for immediate ceasefir...
Dec 7 2023 5:30pm
Israel/OPT: UN Security Council must not block Gaza ceasefire resolution
Appeal to UK, USA and other Security Council members to back ceasefire...
Dec 1 2023 5:21pm
Israel/OPT: Urgent need for a ceasefire to end civilian bloodshed and mass suffering as fighting resumes
All civilian hostages and arbitrarily detained Palestinians must be re...
Nov 22 2023 6:11pm
Sudan: Civilians suffering 'unimaginable horror' amid ethnically-motivated violence in Darfur - new testimony
Rapid Support Forces and allied Arab militias killed and injured hundr...
Nov 14 2023 7:05pm
UK: Government should urgently clarify its position regarding ICC's Palestine investigation
In response to the Minister of State Andrew Mitchell signalling a shif...