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Arms Trade (110)
Mar 29 2013 2:08pm
Arms Trade Treaty blocked - this isn't failure, this is 'success deferred'.
Yet again in the final hours, the Arms Trade Treaty was blocked. This ...
Mar 28 2013 1:42pm
Arms Trade Treaty history - twenty years in the making?
I'm in New York for final talks to agree the Arms Trade Treaty that I'...
Mar 26 2013 10:47am
Minister Alistair Burt shares his thoughts on the Arms Trade Treaty
After two decades of campaigning for tighter controls on the arms trad...
Mar 23 2013 2:16pm
Are states getting cold feet as Arms Trade Treaty talks hot up?
Widney Brown, our Senior Director of International Law and Policy is w...
Mar 20 2013 12:21pm
Back at the Arms Trade Treaty talks, but this is no groundhog day
Last July I spent a month as part of the Amnesty team lobbying governm...
Mar 18 2013 10:22am
You speak, they listen! The government responds to your actions on the Arms Trade Treaty
For the past few weeks, as world leaders prepared to meet for talks to...
Mar 15 2013 11:26am
David Grimason speaks out on the Arms Trade - Part two
In Part Two of our blog (see Part One), campaigner David Grimason tell...
Mar 13 2013 5:12pm
David Grimason speaks out on the Arms Trade
The UN process to establish an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) began in 2007 a...
Mar 11 2013 3:02pm
Cassetteboy and Amnesty International vs the Arms Trade
Ever find yourself watching a politician talk and wishing they were sa...
Mar 8 2013 10:55am
Putting women at the heart of an Arms Trade Treaty
Jasmin Galace is from the Centre for Peace Education in the Philippine...