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Books (84)
Aug 13 2015 11:40am
Book and Activities: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird is a t...
May 27 2015 1:03pm
Book and Activities: Dreams of Freedom
These resources, part of the Using Fiction to Teach Human Rights serie...
Mar 2 2015 6:15pm
Dreams of Freedom
Our latest children's book combines the words of human rights heroes s...
Feb 6 2015 1:08pm
Books for children in dark times
As the world’s largest human rights organisation, Amnesty deals with i...
Nov 24 2014 3:22pm
What are the best books about identity for teenagers?
During the our Guardian Teen Takeover Week authors Alan Gibbons, Sita ...
Nov 12 2014 4:23pm
Sita Brahmachari on home, homelessness, identity and belief
The human rights concerns I explore in ‘Red Leaves’ are ones that have...
Nov 10 2014 11:08am
Malorie Blackman: 'Children's books still have a long way to go before they are truly diverse'
Once told to 'go back to where she came from' (she was born in Clap...
Oct 23 2014 1:15pm
Why we have the right to an identity
From the moment we are born, we each have the human right to an identi...
Jun 16 2014 12:59pm
Malu Halasa on art from within Syria's prison cells
In Syria Speaks: Art and Culture from the Frontline, the critic and ac...
Jun 3 2014 9:38am
The most moving Father’s Day present
Poems that Make Grown Men Cry, edited by Anthony and Ben Holden, was p...