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Amnesty International UK
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Burma (224)
May 18 2008 12:44pm
Burma - Cyclone Nargis
Slowly, much too slowly, it seems to be dawning on the Burmese junta t...
May 12 2008 12:00am
Burma/Burma: Cyclone relief- Asian governments must insist on swift action
Leaders of Amnesty International in the Asia Pacific region, who are m...
May 9 2008 3:30pm
human rights - even more important in a crisis
The term humanitarian aid tells its own story. That when disasters hap...
May 8 2008 12:00am
Burma/Burma: Cooperate with the international community to ensure appropriate aid for victims
Junta must ensure help goes to all victims irrespective of race, colou...
May 4 2008 4:19pm
The Lady Of Burma
Amnesty are presenting in association with the Cathedral Quarter Arts ...
Apr 30 2008 6:17pm
Burma - don't forget human rights there
Burma is not so much in the news but we should not think that the abus...
Feb 14 2008 2:13pm
Hollywood and human rights
Do you think Steven Spielberg achieved anything at all with this gestu...
Dec 29 2007 11:37am
Billy Briggs THE spectacle of hundreds of saffron robed monks leading ...
Nov 28 2007 12:00am
Burma: arrests continue
Military junta targets human rights activists, ethnic leaders and poli...
Nov 22 2007 12:00am
EU-ASEAN Summit: Amnesty calls for 'watertight' arms embargo on Burma
Amnesty issues open letter to EU leaders demanding that they put human...