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Children's Human Rights Network (89)
Jun 10 2014 6:18pm
Teenage Victims of Rape Denied Justice
Discriminatory provisions in Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian law are f...
May 29 2014 8:10am
India: Teenage boy and others threatened after torture claims
Being a teenager can be a stressful time in life. What were you wor...
May 13 2014 7:55am
Stop Torture Campaign: Moses's Story
Do you remember being 16 and finishing your secondary school exams? Do...
May 11 2014 9:59pm
Optional Protocol: Strengthening the Convention on the Rights of the Child in its 25th Year
The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most ratified human r...
Jan 4 2014 6:25pm
Tribute to Catherine Suggitt, Amnesty International worker and Children's Human Rights Network Commitee Member
Tribute to Amnesty International worker, Catherine Suggitt, nee Snowde...
Dec 24 2013 6:14pm
Migrant workers in Qatar and Saudi Arabia suffer extreme abuse and human rights violations
The plight of migrant workers in Middle Eastern countries is a topic o...
Dec 18 2013 2:39pm
Mali: Children detained and tortured by security forces
 Five Malian children have been detained in a military detention centr...
Dec 16 2013 3:23pm
Egypt: Schoolboy detained, as supports ex-president
 Khaled Mohamed Bakara, a 15-year-old high-school student who attended...
Oct 1 2013 1:52am
Saving Syria's Children - cross border aid delivery is essential
Only the most callous regime apologists would have remained unmoved by...
Sep 21 2013 10:25pm
Film Screening: 'Our School'
Join the Children's Human Rights Network for a screening of 'Our Sc...