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Death Penalty (922)
Feb 4 2015 2:54pm
Killing of Jordanian pilot 'abhorrent' but 'revenge killings' not the answer
‘The IS’s gruesome tactics must not be allowed to fuel a bloody cyc...
Feb 2 2015 2:20pm
Egypt: today's confirmation of 183 death sentences is 'outrageous'
415 people have now been sentenced to death in four trials    ...
Jan 28 2015 4:47pm
Letter to Justice Secretary Chris Grayling seeks answers over Saudi prisons deal
‘Even as the blogger Raif Badawi was languishing in prison facing 1...
Dec 24 2014 10:46am
2014: A botched year for the death penalty
What’s the biggest reason you have for not supporting the death penalt...
Dec 22 2014 4:59pm
Pakistan: Plans to execute 500 more prisoners 'deeply disturbing'
Pakistan’s reported plans to execute 500 more people are “deeply di...
Dec 17 2014 7:17pm
Pakistan: resuming executions is 'not the answer' to Peshawar school tragedy
‘Lifting the moratorium on executions appears to be a knee-jerk rea...
Dec 16 2014 4:45pm
Iran: child offender among ten Kurds on hunger strike facing execution
‘It is truly deplorable that the Iranian authorities are playing ga...
Dec 5 2014 5:48pm
Why the Scott Panetti case strikes at the heart of the death penalty debate
On Wednesday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals stayed the execution ...
Dec 3 2014 6:28pm
Texas, USA: stay of execution for mentally-ill Scott Panetti
Execution called off just hours before prisoner was due to die in t...
Dec 2 2014 11:21am
British grandfather Mohammad Asghar awaits execution for blasphemy in Pakistan
70-year-old British grandfather Mohammad Asghar is currently awaiting ...