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Amnesty International UK
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Death Penalty (922)
Sep 17 2012 10:15pm
44 years on death row
Stockport Group has been without a Prisoner Of Conscience for a while ...
Sep 11 2012 11:44am
Monthly meeting actions
We had a successful monthly meeting last night finalising arrangements...
Sep 6 2012 10:27pm
Death Penalty workshop, 13 September
Death Penalty workshop 7.30pm, Thursday 13th September Wood...
Aug 31 2012 12:01pm
Stop the execution spree in Gambia
This text action is now closed and we have sent all names received to ...
Aug 31 2012 12:00am
Twenty-six people executed so far this week in Iraq
Those executed included three Women's rights's rightss rights's rights...
Aug 28 2012 12:00am
The Gambia: Dozens of death row prisoners remain at imminent risk of execution
At least 38 people on death row in The Gambia are at imminent risk of ...
Aug 22 2012 12:00am
Gambia's president should retract threat to execute all death row prisoners by next month
‘President Jammeh’s comments are deeply troubling’ - Audrey Gaughran A...
Aug 7 2012 12:00am
Iranian man facing imminent execution for possession of 'crystal meth'
Shopkeeper who received an unfair trial and was allegedly tortured cou...
Aug 3 2012 12:00am
Texas set to execute man next week despite evidence of mental disability
‘Leaving it up to Texas over how to comply … appears to be something a...
Jul 31 2012 12:00am
Mali: unwed couple stoned to death - a 'gruesome and horrific act'
Responding to reports that an unwed couple has been stoned to death in...