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Amnesty International UK
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Detention and Imprisonment (190)
Apr 20 2010 1:32pm
A letter that breaks your heart
We have already written about Shabnam Madadzadeh in this blog. A unive...
Apr 8 2010 10:54am
Free my so or take me to prison as well!
Bewildered mother of Mohemmed Davari, a simple and honest teacher who ...
Apr 6 2010 3:00pm
Concern about Mahboobeh Karami's ill-health
Mahboubeh Karami, member of One Million Signature Campaign was arreste...
Mar 27 2010 6:24pm
Zahra Jabari, a woman prisoner in danger of ill-health
According to reports by human rights activists in iran, prisoner of co...
Mar 17 2010 1:24pm
Remember prisoners in spring
On 21 March Iranian New Year starts while many families have their lov...
Mar 17 2010 1:24pm
Remember prisoners in spring
On 21 March Iranian New Year starts while many families have their lov...
Feb 14 2010 10:39pm
Mothers of a number of political prisoners write an open letter
Recently mothers of 18 political ptisoners who have been detained afte...
Dec 17 2009 2:02pm
A Basiji Militia who had fled Iran speaks out.
Nov 21 2009 10:40am
Urgent Action for an urgent matter
Every week, families of the political prisoners of recent unrests were...
Nov 21 2009 10:40am
Urgent Action for an urgent matter
Every week, families of the political prisoners of recent unrests were...