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Amnesty International UK
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Gun Violence (333)
Dec 16 2008 12:00am
Tasers: Safety of device questioned as death toll hits 334-mark
Tasers are inherently open to abuse and are not as safe as the industr...
Dec 3 2008 10:53am
Cluster bombs: Ireland leads the way
Great news today as over 100 countries line up in Oslo to sign the Con...
Nov 25 2008 12:00am
Tasers should be a weapon of last resort only, says Amnesty
Amnesty International today called for guarantees that the Taser elect...
Nov 24 2008 5:57pm
Tasers: A Shock to the Policing System
I was surfing the TV channels last night and found myself watching ...
Nov 23 2008 11:51pm
Tasers: 50,000 volts x 10,000 stun guns x 30,000 officers
Last week I demonstrated unusual prescience when I warned on this blog...
Nov 18 2008 9:31pm
The shocking future of UK policing?
Where was your Chief Constable last week? If they were among the 15,00...
Sep 17 2008 1:41pm
The world has to control its arms
Amnesty’s released a major new report on the global arms trade today. ...
Sep 17 2008 12:00am
Arms: 'Irresponsible' trade fuelling human rights abuses - new report
Call for an international Arms Treaty ahead of key UN meeting in Octob...
Sep 13 2008 11:20am
Belfast child to end police Taser use?
As previewed on Belfast and Beyond (Tasers: shocks and secrets) some w...
Sep 7 2008 11:57pm
Arms: Northern Ireland's import-export business
At the risk of coming across as Forrest Gump with bad timing (see prev...