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Amnesty International UK
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Human rights defenders (745)
May 30 2013 3:19pm
Youth Urgent Action May 13: Mahdi ‘Issa Abu Dheeb
Violation of the rights to freedom of expression, association and a...
May 30 2013 12:55pm
May 13 Youth Campaign Briefing: Roma Rights
Info + actions: It’s time for Europe to end discrimination against Rom...
May 28 2013 12:01pm
Zimbabwe: What price justice?
This blog post is by Frances Webber, human rights lawyer,  author of B...
May 24 2013 4:27pm
Zimbabwe: A new constitution, a new way?
It’s been a historic week for Zimbabwe as President Mugabe signed a ne...
May 22 2013 2:20pm
How to turn a mobile phone into an alert system for activists
As a student activist speaking out against the government, Hassan is a...
May 17 2013 11:25am
Youth activist toolkit
You've come to the right place for all the resources you need to stand...
May 16 2013 1:49pm
Youth Activist Training: How To Write Letters
A practical guide to writing letters and emails that make a real impac...
May 16 2013 1:49pm
Youth Activist Training: How To Lobby Politicians
A practical guide to lobbying your elected representatives in Westmins...
May 16 2013 1:49pm
Youth Activist Training: How To Write Press Releases
A practical guide from our Press Office on how to get great media cove...