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Amnesty International UK
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LGBTI (520)
May 13 2021 1:03pm
UK: Conversion therapy ban must include harmful religious practices
‘“Praying the gay away” is just as unacceptable as any other pseudosci...
Apr 19 2021 3:03pm
Northern Ireland: ‘Conversion therapy’ ban must include harmful religious practices
Northern Ireland legislation to ban so-called LGBT+ conversion therapy...
Mar 17 2021 4:58pm
Japan: Court ruling on same-sex marriage ban is 'groundbreaking'
First-ever ruling on marriage equality in Japan finds current ban unco...
Jan 29 2021 4:09pm
Indonesia: two men publicly flogged 77 times for same-sex 'offences'
Two men caned 77 times each in ‘cruel’ punishment in front of 100-stro...
Jan 28 2021 7:32am
Poland: Roll back of reproductive rights is dark day for Polish women
Following the publication by the Polish Constitutional Tribunal of the...
Dec 15 2020 12:10pm
Hungary: Homophobic discriminatory bill and constitutional amendments pass
Reacting to the Hungarian parliament’s decision to adopt a law that wi...
Dec 14 2020 12:08pm
Hungary: Homophobic adoption bill part of ongoing attack on LGBTI+ community
The Hungarian Parliament is expected to vote on a bill tomorrow which ...
Dec 9 2020 12:11pm
Turkey: Students facing three-years in jail for celebrating Pride must be acquitted
Students face up to three years in jail in trial starting on Human Rig...
Dec 3 2020 1:55pm
Amnesty International UK and Liberty joint statement on puberty blockers
Joint statement following High Court ruling that children under 16 are...
Nov 20 2020 1:14pm
Northern Ireland: Police report reveals 'worrying' rate of hate crime
PSNI report outlines that there were 936 racist incidents and 626 raci...