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Amnesty International UK
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Mass surveillance (72)
Jan 6 2017 6:25pm
Why Edward Snowden should be pardoned
Revealing mass surveillance by governments He stood up for our righ...
Nov 29 2016 3:51pm
Investigatory Powers Act legalises sweeping surveillance powers for UK government
Rachel Logan, Amnesty UK’s Legal Programme Director, said: “The UK go...
Oct 10 2016 9:00am
Six really practical ways to protect your privacy online
Here are some top tips and tools to protect your privacy and guard aga...
Sep 14 2016 4:22pm
President Obama should pardon Edward Snowden before he leaves office
‘It will be a deep stain on President Obama’s legacy if he leaves offi...
May 18 2016 3:35pm
The déjà vu Queen’s Speech
You can’t beat the Palace of Westminster for a good ol’ slice of pomp ...
Mar 11 2016 6:00pm
Urgent: Stop the new Snooper’s Charter annihilating our rights
The UK government is rushing a bill through parliament that, if it bec...
Mar 11 2016 3:45pm
Edward Snowden: 'Privacy is for the powerless'
To mark World Day Against Cyber Censorship, Edward Snowden talks to us...
Mar 9 2016 8:00am
North Korea, the surveillance state
‘The absolute control of communications is a key weapon in the auth...
Nov 6 2015 5:00pm
Mass surveillance by another name
The Draft Investigatory Powers Bill, introduced by the UK government o...
Oct 16 2015 4:47pm
Big Brother and Human Rights
We are hosting an event for the Chelmsford Ideas Festival on Saturday ...