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Amnesty International UK
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Northern Ireland (574)
Mar 12 2015 1:01pm
Kincora: exclusion from UK abuse inquiry ‘missed opportunity’
“Home Secretary risks looking like she is now playing her part in a...
Mar 7 2015 5:33pm
Amnesty welcomes Sinn Féin policy change on abortion
Amnesty International has welcomed news that Sinn Féin will now suppor...
Mar 4 2015 12:55pm
Northern Ireland concerns at immigration detention revelations - 2,000 NI detainees last year
Amnesty International has said that revelations about the treatment of...
Mar 2 2015 6:15pm
Why Ireland's emigrants are coming home to fight for safe abortion
A once-in-a-generation opportunity Ahead of Ireland's historic refe...
Feb 27 2015 5:03pm
Northern Ireland: Amnesty rejects anti-gay ‘conscience clause’
Amnesty International has rejected both “the premise and proposals”...
Feb 27 2015 4:10pm
Submission to DUP Consultation on Northern Ireland Freedom of Conscience Bill
We reject both the premise and the proposals contained in the consu...
Feb 20 2015 4:35pm
1861 and All That - updating Northern Ireland's abortion law
Guest blog from Stephanie Weir, a sixth-former from Portadown College ...
Feb 16 2015 7:34pm
Kincora: As victims launch legal challenge, Amnesty urges inclusion in UK abuse inquiry
Amnesty International has called for the investigation into child abus...
Feb 13 2015 8:00am
Kincora: Amnesty welcomes Home Affairs Committee recommendation for inclusion in UK abuse inquiry
Amnesty International has welcomed the recommendation by the House of ...
Feb 12 2015 10:48am
Northern Ireland: 26 years after Finucane killing, failure to hold inquiry ‘dishonest and dishonourable’
Twenty-six years after the killing of Belfast solicitor Patrick Finuca...