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Amnesty International UK
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Police (163)
May 24 2023 12:05pm
Northern Ireland: PSNI stop and search figures show continued racial disparity
PSNI stop and search figures released today 23,650 people were stop...
Mar 26 2023 4:14pm
UK: Police must end ‘appalling’ use of strip searches against children
In response to findings announced today from the Children's Commission...
Mar 16 2023 1:53pm
Indonesia: Authorities fail victims as police officers acquitted of football stadium deaths
135 people died after police fired tear gas into crowds at football st...
Mar 13 2023 2:36pm
Global: Protesters increasingly maimed and killed by police misuse of rubber bullets
Greater availability of ‘less-lethal’ weapons has led to rise in the u...
Mar 13 2023 1:22pm
Northern Ireland: Policing board to review ‘seriously violating’ PSNI practice of strip searching children
PSNI has strip searched children as young as 12 to 14 years old Bet...
Mar 6 2023 4:53pm
Northern Ireland: Decision not to prosecute in Patricia Devlin threats case shows system is failing to protect press freedom
  Responding to a decision not to bring forward a prosecution in re...
Feb 15 2023 12:20pm
Northern Ireland: PSNI stop and search figures show continued racial disparity
PSNI stop and search figures released today People from minoritised...
Jan 28 2023 11:01am
USA: Stop systemic failures that led to ‘acts of inhumanity’ responsible for Tyre Nichols’ death
Police are ignoring their duty to protect Black and Brown communities ...
Jan 27 2023 11:38am
UK: 'Deeply draconian' Public Order Bill must be rejected by Lords - New Briefing
Bill enters Report Stage in House of Lords today with Amnesty and 73 o...
Dec 7 2022 3:59pm
Germany: Authorities must take 'urgent action' to tackle racism in their ranks
Twenty-five people arrested in raids across the country Significant...