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Amnesty International UK
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Police (163)
Aug 22 2016 5:21pm
Brazil: legacy of Olympics is one of increased police killings and crushed demos
‘Once again, the legacy of a major sporting event in Brazil has bee...
Aug 10 2016 2:15pm
Running or swimming for your life
I don’t know about you sports fans/political geeks but the Olympics an...
Aug 10 2016 10:00am
A father's nightmare
Two sons murdered. A third son shot. No one brought to justice. A fami...
Aug 2 2016 3:18pm
Brazil: Daily shootouts and alarming rise in police killings puts Olympic legacy at risk
In July 756 shootings with 51 fatal victims reported via Amnest...
Jul 27 2016 6:51pm
Brazil: Amnesty International activists deliver 'body bags' to Rio 2016 organisers
Forty body bags, representing the number of people killed by the polic...
Jul 7 2016 10:02pm
USA: Philando Castile shooting must be independently investigated
‘How many more wrenching videos do we need to see before there is r...
Jul 5 2016 12:53pm
Has Brazil lost, before the Olympics have begun?
Sign the petition to stop police brutality in Brazil Several promises...
Jun 1 2016 4:14pm
The deadly side of the Rio 2016 Olympics
The city of Rio de Janeiro will soon be home to the Olympic Games in A...
May 17 2016 4:37pm
Kenya: Investigate police crackdown against protesters
Yesterday’s brutal crackdown by Kenyan police against protesters must ...
Apr 26 2016 7:18pm
Rio 2016: Surge in killings by police sparks fear in favelas 100 days before Olympics
Residents in many of Rio de Janeiro’s favelas are living in terror aft...