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Amnesty International UK
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Right to Protest (350)
May 2 2012 5:25pm
Tim Farron MP wants a bullet proof Arms Trade Treaty
The Kendal group signed up 250 people in Kendal today for a robust int...
Feb 10 2012 11:32am
Facebook live chat on the Middle East & North Africa uprisings
Amnesty campaigners Amy Summers and Bethan Cansfield joined us on Face...
Feb 12 2011 11:00am
Stand in solidarity and defiance…the live blog!
Today we will be in Trafalgar Square in London to show support for the...
Feb 7 2011 11:00am
Stand in solidarity and defiance with those demanding change
Follow the event live on our blog Update: The rallies are going ahead...
Feb 2 2011 1:42pm
Belarus: protesters attacked by Dinosaur
Maja Abramchik is a 21-year-old student from Belarus. On 19 December l...
Nov 18 2010 12:00pm
Converging yet again on Fort Benning for peace and justice
School of the Americas Watch (SOAW) is again organising for thousands ...
Nov 7 2010 10:59am
Peaceful protest in Paris - not permitted
You might think that in France the right to peaceful protest would be ...
Sep 1 2010 5:43pm
Putin and the art of choosing your words carefully
Loose lips sink ships went the old WW2 adage, and Vladimir Putin’s rem...
Aug 6 2010 2:07pm
8888 recurring
This Sunday, marks the anniversary of theinfamous 8/8/88 protests in B...
Jul 14 2010 10:37am
Letters, e-mails and petitions
Is it better to send thousands of e-mails, thousands of letters, or a ...