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Saudi Arabia (357)
May 23 2018 12:37pm
Saudi women arrested for driving - not cars, but human rights change
After years of campaigning by women activists, in June women in Saudi ...
May 19 2018 2:52pm
Saudi Arabia: 'chilling' smear campaign tries to discredit detained women driving ban activists
The ban on women drivers in Saudi Arabia is due to be lifted next mont...
May 18 2018 6:38pm
Saudi Arabia: women right-to-drive activists reportedly detained
Reports suggest those arrested have campaigned for right to drive ‘...
Mar 29 2018 12:01am
Saudi Arabia: new spoof adverts mock Crown Prince's 'reform' claims
Mock job advert, an arch publicity notice and an ironic video satirise...
Mar 26 2018 6:32pm
Yemen: Huthi missile attack on Saudi cities was a possible war crime
Egyptian national on outskirts of Riyadh killed by shrapnel Attacks...
Mar 20 2018 9:34pm
USA: New Saudi arms deal risks further human rights abuses in Yemen
Responding to reports that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and ...
Mar 8 2018 10:00am
Stop 14 imminent executions in Saudi Arabia
In the summer of 2017, we found out that the Saudi authorities were pl...
Mar 7 2018 12:21pm
Saudi Arabia
Feb 27 2018 5:24pm
Theresa May should 'show some backbone' over human rights during Saudi Crown Prince's visit
Mohammad bin Salman’s trip to UK comes after much-touted reforms in Ki...