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Amnesty International UK
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Saudi Arabia (357)
Nov 19 2010 12:00am
Saudi Arabia: body in skip case raises fresh concerns about domestic worker safety
Amnesty International has today called on the Saudi Arabian authoritie...
Oct 28 2010 12:00am
Saudi Arabia: Amnesty urges king to stop execution of Sri Lankan domestic worker
Amnesty International has called on the King of Saudi Arabia to halt t...
Oct 1 2010 12:00am
Saudi Arabia: Letter to King Abdullah urges commutation of 'sorcery' death sentence
Amnesty International has written to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia urg...
Sep 29 2010 12:00am
Saudia Arabia: As University of Ulster grants law doctorate to Saudi prince, Amnesty raises human rights concerns
Amnesty International response to the conferring of an Honorary Doctor...
Sep 3 2010 12:00am
Saudi Arabia: Alleged 'nail' abuse of Sri Lankan maid must be investigated
Amnesty International has urged the Saudi Arabian authorities to urgen...
Aug 25 2010 11:50am
The governments Selfish behaviour on arms to Saudi Arabia
Sometimes it takes a twist to make something appealing, and one heavyw...
Aug 20 2010 12:00am
Saudi Arabia: 'Spinal cord' punishment would amount to torture
Amnesty International has urged the Saudi Arabian authorities not to d...
Apr 1 2010 12:00am
Lebanese PM should step in to halt Saudi Arabia 'Sorcery' execution
Amnesty International has urged Saad Hariri, the Lebanese prime minist...
Mar 22 2010 12:47pm
Harry Potter gets the death penalty
So the Hogwarts castle has burnt down in “Harry Potter And The Deathly...
Mar 22 2010 12:00am
Saudi Arabia: Case of TV presenter facing execution for 'sorcery' is 'sinister and deplorable'
‘If JK Rowling lived in Saudi Arabia she could be arrested for practis...